


ANN: v0.7.7 - reliability

Added by Josip Almasi about 2 months ago

Happy New Year!

In this year's first release, focus is on reliability.
The server can now forward all events to ElasticSearch, including errors.
New StressTestClient can open any number of connection to the server, and send it any number of requests per second.
Together, that allowed for identifying and fixing a number bugs that occur only under heavy load.
And, design goals are confirmed - up to 100 people can all see and communicate with each other in the same space, safely. (As far as the server is concerned, that is. The browser may not be capable to render it, but that depends on world geometry, and their avatars.)
The server can handle more, tests were conducted with 256 and 1000 user with 5 and 25 events per second, but soon after 100 we go over 1Gbps, and start lagging.

Stress-testing the server also provided the opportunity to find and fix client issues that occur in high-concurrency situations.
Also on the client side, some hopefully useful help screens were added.

Video taken while load testing: