


Support #108

WebXR won't load without HTTPS

Added by Nick Naglich about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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When installing VRSpace on a local machine; by default HTTPS isn't loaded and WebXR doesn't show up as an option.

This is what it looks like when running VR on port 8080



Updated by Nick Naglich about 3 years ago

Nick Naglich wrote:

When installing VRSpace on a local machine; by default HTTPS isn't loaded and WebXR doesn't show up as an option.

I read through the WiKi and edited server.ssl.enabled=true in and default port 8443
When running the server it still loads it on port 8080 and unencrypted

Does the server need to be recompiled to update these settings?


Updated by Josip Almasi about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Josip Almasi

Well, it's a feature of WebXR :)
No seriously, it's a feature!
It just won't work without SSL. And the same applies to video and audio streaming.

Well yes, when you change a property in, you need to rebuild the server.
But you can also change it in in startup by adding
-Dserver.port=8443 -Dserver.ssl.enabled=true
to the command line before -jar.
It has to be before -jar though, these are features of the framework (spring boot).


Updated by Nick Naglich about 3 years ago

Josip Almasi wrote:

Well, it's a feature of WebXR :)
No seriously, it's a feature!
It just won't work without SSL. And the same applies to video and audio streaming.

Well yes, when you change a property in, you need to rebuild the server.
But you can also change it in in startup by adding
-Dserver.port=8443 -Dserver.ssl.enabled=true
to the command line before -jar.
It has to be before -jar though, these are features of the framework (spring boot).

Perfect, that works thanks!!

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