Wiki » History » Revision 5
Revision 4 (Josip Almasi, 01/11/2021 01:15 PM) → Revision 5/87 (Josip Almasi, 01/11/2021 01:29 PM)
h1. Welcome!
External resources:
Github page:
Facebook page:
Youtube channel:
VR Days video: article:
h1. Setting up development environment
Here's all you need to start development on Windows.
h2. Basic setup
h3. Git bash
IDEs can work with github directly, but whatever you ask, you'll get a command line answer.
Command line git is simply a must have. Bash also includes a lot of goodies like ssh.
h3. Java
Java 8 will work, java 11 recommended. Get it either from Oracle or elsewhere, e.g. Zulu OpenJDK:
h3. Node.js
Node is used by IDE to evaluate javascript. You'll also may need it if you modify any of babylon.js source.
Mind that IDE will complain if you installed unsupported version of Node; should that happen, remove Node, and install latest one supported.
Get it from
h3. IDE
Eclipse for Java developers (not enterprise), with Spring and Web plugins:
Download eclipse here:
And then go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Search and install Spring Tools 4 and Wild Web Developer plugins.
h2. Import and start the project
In Eclipse, you can use either default or new workspace for the project.
Assuming you have cloned the project from the github,
Go to File -> Open Projects From the Filesystem
Then choose vrspace directory.
This will import vrspace folders and project subfolders, click Finish.
In vrspace project folder, in src/main/java, there's
Open it, then right click on the code.
From the menu, choose either Run as or Debug as -> Spring Boot App.
Open http://localhost:8080/babylon/connect.html with two browsers, and navigate around.
That's all, you're all set!
h2. Advanced setup
h3. Apache
Apache as reverse proxy provides SSL, which is required for both VR and audio streaming.
I.e. browsers don't trust even the localhost, and enforce SSL.
h3. Docker and OpenVidu
OpenVidu voice/video chat server runs as docker image. This is only required for development of voice chat functions.
h1. Welcome!
External resources:
Github page:
Facebook page:
Youtube channel:
VR Days video: article:
h1. Setting up development environment
Here's all you need to start development on Windows.
h2. Basic setup
h3. Git bash
IDEs can work with github directly, but whatever you ask, you'll get a command line answer.
Command line git is simply a must have. Bash also includes a lot of goodies like ssh.
h3. Java
Java 8 will work, java 11 recommended. Get it either from Oracle or elsewhere, e.g. Zulu OpenJDK:
h3. Node.js
Node is used by IDE to evaluate javascript. You'll also may need it if you modify any of babylon.js source.
Mind that IDE will complain if you installed unsupported version of Node; should that happen, remove Node, and install latest one supported.
Get it from
h3. IDE
Eclipse for Java developers (not enterprise), with Spring and Web plugins:
Download eclipse here:
And then go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Search and install Spring Tools 4 and Wild Web Developer plugins.
h2. Import and start the project
In Eclipse, you can use either default or new workspace for the project.
Assuming you have cloned the project from the github,
Go to File -> Open Projects From the Filesystem
Then choose vrspace directory.
This will import vrspace folders and project subfolders, click Finish.
In vrspace project folder, in src/main/java, there's
Open it, then right click on the code.
From the menu, choose either Run as or Debug as -> Spring Boot App.
Open http://localhost:8080/babylon/connect.html with two browsers, and navigate around.
That's all, you're all set!
h2. Advanced setup
h3. Apache
Apache as reverse proxy provides SSL, which is required for both VR and audio streaming.
I.e. browsers don't trust even the localhost, and enforce SSL.
h3. Docker and OpenVidu
OpenVidu voice/video chat server runs as docker image. This is only required for development of voice chat functions.