Getting started for dummies
Added by Anthony Brasher 21 days ago
Hi, my name's Tony, I'm part of a nonprofit that seeks to provide a wiki for all people's ideas for all problems facing humanity. I see tremendous potential in for bringing people together but I'm having a hard time getting started. My goal for now is to simply add pictures from my computer to an environment, then be able to send that file or host it somewhere where other people can easily access it.
Thing is I'm not a programmer and it's hard for me to make sense of a lot of the stuff in this forum so I was hoping someone might be able to put together a list of steps I could try implementing, (with the help of gpt4).
Replies (1)
RE: Getting started for dummies - Added by Josip Almasi 20 days ago
Hey Tony, welcome!
I think familiarize yourself with VRSpace first. Visit spaces, walk around, click around, see what happens. (choose your avatar, then click on the portal to enter a space)
There's a share button on the HUD that lets you upload pictures, and you can upload them to any space. Explainer vid, in Aladin space:
However, all your content will disappear once you exit the space (e.g. close the tab, or just reload the page). That's intentional - we don't want to become a hub for pirated content.
To keep your stuff in a space, you have to log in. Explainer vid:
Even then, mind that this is a demo site, and I will clean up your content and login every now and then, e.g. when I deploy new version of software.
But you get to see what it is, if that's what you need, and to report any issues or ask for enhancements.
VRSpace is server software, that's by definitions for techies only. I intend to make a web site for non-technical folks, where you'd be able to create your own private worlds, and invite your friends over.
There's still no explainer video for that, but you'll see a new button once you log in: world+. Click on it, you get to choose your world template. Click on the template, and you get redirected to a new page that contains only one portal - a portal to your private world. Copy URL of this page and share it with your friends to invite them over.
Again, this world is temporary, and will be deleted once last user gets out of it. But the server does support permanent private worlds, we just can't have that on public demo server.
As for the "production" web site, I don't have any specific plans, more like thoughts and wishes, but anyway, here they are.
I've purchased domain - rest assured that any similarity to minecraft is purely accidental ;)
Anonymous access isn't going to be allowed there, except by invitation, as explained above. That is basic requirement for children safety. But of course, anybody can make their private world public by simply sharing this world URL to public, e.g. link from their main web site. Then, domain aliases can be set up, e.g. your space could be known rather than
Temporary worlds wold be free for general public, and I'd sell these private spaces starting at $5 monthly (without video/audio streaming), free for non-profits.
That's a lot of work though, and not just programming work. End-user agreement and privacy statement for starters, I'm no fan of these, so I keep postponing.
But if you're willing to become early adopter, I can prioritize this.
So tinker with it, let me know.