


Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6

Added by Josip Almasi over 2 years ago

Dear diary,

It was busy and fun!

Ready Player Me allows users to make their own avatars free of charge, under CC non-commercial license. So I integrated!
Just click on 'custom' button to make your own avatar.
Uses cookies though.

I'm involved in a proprietary project, or two, that include chatbots. Sure, there's also an open source bot around, BotLibre. So I integrated!
There's a BrainBot in Aladin space now, you can chat with it whenever.
Bots are server-side beings. They can see and do anything users can, though they don't connect to vrspace server. Instead, the server connects to them.

Been playing with NFTs a bit, got to a proof of concept, that I like to call OSNFT, like in Open Source Non-Fungible Token.
Idea here is to allow some sort of compensation to free content authors, based on popularity of the content, in particular 3D models.
Suppose we have a community of servers, and a model gets into it. Like an author publishes a free model, a user takes it from sketchfab, whatever.
The server looks up on-chain registry of models, and if it doesn't exist, creates a new smart contract. If it does, smart contract mints a new NFT for the server.
OSNFT is enumerable, so all nodes know exactly how many NFTs are out there, everywhere. It is also burnable, so the number decreases when servers delete it. And each NFT is owned by a server, so we can know exactly who uses a model.
Result is a test in blockchain branch, web3j/ethereum implementation, tested with local hyperledger besu.

Babylon upgraded to 5.0 and then to 5.1 without any warning. Most of the things work fine, though bone positions may be messed up.
I've applied some quick fixes, but some avatars are still messed up.

All that begs for a major version upgrade, so I increased from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6.

Replies (6)

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Nick Naglich over 2 years ago

Awesome updates!

Ready Player Me avatars have come a long way since I last tried it! They used to just be legless avatars that worked well in Hubs, but nothing else.

I jumped in Aladdin and chatted with the bot. That's pretty neat and can add a lot of unique features to worlds. Favorite reply so far is: What hardware do you run on? and it replied "Intel I believe".

I need to do some research into hyperledger besu, but like the idea rewarding content creators.

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Josip Almasi over 2 years ago

Nick Naglich wrote:

Awesome updates!

Thanks :)

Ready Player Me avatars have come a long way since I last tried it! They used to just be legless avatars that worked well in Hubs, but nothing else.

They still are legless, i.e. leg geometry is there but skeleton has no leg bones :)
And vrspace currently does not recognize them as humanoid avatars. You can take anything to be your avartar though.
So some more work is required to detect and support these characters.

I need to do some research into hyperledger besu, but like the idea rewarding content creators.

I thought you might ;)
Besu was the fastest way I could get PoC. I'm not sure ethereum is a way to go, hyperledger fabric may be more like it.

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Nate Lager over 2 years ago

I gave ready player me a quick try, cool! Seems like a good step forward in something like a user profile.

Thanks for the improvements!

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Josip Almasi over 2 years ago

Josip Almasi wrote:

Nick Naglich wrote:

Ready Player Me avatars have come a long way since I last tried it! They used to just be legless avatars that worked well in Hubs, but nothing else.

They still are legless, i.e. leg geometry is there but skeleton has no leg bones :)

I was wrong about it, they do have leg bones alright, we just need to recognize them.
Only just :)

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Jim Knopf almost 2 years ago

Hi, how can i use the Bot in my project? Is there another language possible?

RE: Dev diary: custom avatars, chatbots, NFTs, babylon upgrade... v 0.4.6 - Added by Josip Almasi almost 2 years ago

Hi Jim,
vrspace server comes with BotLibre BrainBot example set up in Aladin world. So you start with the example, tinker and customize.
Look at, scroll all the way down:
These are properties of that Brainbot - world, avatar url, position and so on.
Most importantly, URL and params of the API endpoint, i.e. where your bot instance resides. Then just go to and make your bot, and enter your params in
They have thousands of bots there, speaking different languages, some may suit you.
